This past year has tested my strength in many ways. Within a few weeks of one another my uncle, my mother’s friend and my grandmother all passed away. My grandmother’s passing was my absolute breaking point. Having to help my aunt with my grandmother’s preparations and all that comes with taking care of someone’s personal/financial business when they pass away, was…well it was heartbreaking. Not just because I was grieving for my grandmother, but feeling the heartbreak of my aunt, siblings and cousin was more than I could really bare. And to be honest, having to hear her name, repeating her name and address, and everything made me want to vomit as I relived her passing every single time. And even though she had already told me and my aunt what she wanted, we still had a hard time finding paperwork, information, etc. when it came down to getting it right away for her body donation, death certificate, etc.
About a week after she died, I discovered this book, Cell Phones Don’t Work in Heaven. It’s a book / journal that outlines all the things your loved one will have to know and share with others after you have passed. It is a great conversation starter and a complete book to keep with all of your information in it. It not only made me think of me and my aunt trying to get my grandmother’s things organized in the middle of grieving for our little Ms. Mary, but it also made me think of my own brush with death. The day before I went into surgery, under a great deal of pain medication, anti-anxiety medication and anti-nausea medication, tried to have “the talk” with my sister. Then the morning of my surgery, I was desperately trying to give my mom all of my passwords, bank account information, key locations, etc. But I was scared, slurring my words and combining information under the heavy doses of drugs.
As a single mother with an autoimmune disease, there are times when I am in the hospital while my child has a life that needs to continue. Often while in the hospital, I am kept on pain medication or sedated for multiple tests, I can’t tell my mother what my son’s medication schedule is or how to retrieve money out of my account for lsat minute school payments or whatever. This book is a perfect thing to fill out and give to her, to keep under lock and key. To be opened whenever she may need it. Or heaven forbid I am in a car accident or anything. Why make it harder on her to navigate through my stuff? It’s now in my hospital bag with the rest of my goodies!