I am very excited to say that crazycreolemommy.com is not the only place you can now find me! I’ve teamed up with four great IBD advocacy sites.
Early on in my advocacy life I was featured on the EverydayHealth.com website talking about a couple of different topics on IBD. Early this year I was approached by one of the editors to work as a columnist for their IBD section. YAY! A couple have been published. There is currently one about parenting with IBD and another on feeding your family while having IBD, up on the site. Lots of good topics in the pipeline.
Crohnsdisease.com is a fairly new subdivision of HealthUnion.com and concentrates on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Although the domain only mentions Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis is a very hot topic on the site. Most of the pieces are lifestyle written by patients and patient advocates. But there are also experts that weigh in on the subjects that pertain more to information regarding the disease. Check out some of the pieces that have been published so far.
My friend, Amber Tresca of AboutIBD.com & Verywell.com has a great new podcast out for the IBD community. So far I’ve been on it like 4 times. I think I am officially the Alec Baldwin to her Saturday Night Live. She covers a wide range of topics and has really great guests. One of whom was Michael Osso, President of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Please subscribe to her podcast so you never miss an episode.