Remember that time you’re kid had the cutest way of saying, Milk? And now he’s says it like any other human being. Do you find yourself getting sad inside. Not because you don’t want you’re kid to be normal, but you don’t want your kid growing up. And saying the word, Milk, properly signifies his leap out of being Mommy/Daddy’s baby and into a young human being. A young INDEPENDENT human being. By independent I mean they can tie their own shoes, or feed themselves, or read their own stories before bed. Doesn’t it seem just ridiculously unfair?! I personally hate it!
As much of a stickler I am for Jax to speak proper english and be polite, etc. the other day he tried to correct himself when he said Milk. It use to be Milkies. Then it was Muu-lk. Now I find him correcting himself to say, M-I-L-K and then I find myself screaming, NOOOOO!! MUU-LK!! Now don’t get me wrong I don’t want my son to be a teenager saying things like Muu-lk & Way-dees (ladies). However, my son is a two-year old who is the size of a four year old. He reads on his own, rides his scooter with ease, has figured out how to get snacks out of the fridge and is potty training. He is rapidly moving out of the baby role and into the little boy part. I have to be honest, it hurts me on the inside. I feel like this is a prequel to empty nest syndrome. No my son is not physically leaving my home, but he is transitioning. He’s transitioning from a baby to a big. So yes, and this is terrible to say, I encourage him to keep saying Muu-lk. He’s only 2 1/2, I still have at least 2 more years where we can consider him a baby so I am savoring it!!! Don’t sit there and laugh!! If you have a toddler, I know that you have done this. If you have a newborn, just you wait unti he/she begins to crawl and the independence sets in. That blend of excitement & dread will sit on your shoulders. You want some freedom from being needed for every little thing. But you find that you miss being needed for every little thing! And if you don’t have children… well, you’re loss!! Don’t you see all the fun you could be having, bittersweet decisions you have to make and the stress you will endure?!
So what’s my strategy? Oh well in my motherly irrational mind I believe I should have a talk with my son and ask him to not grow for a bit. I mean it feels a bit reasonable! I let him stay in my belly 3 weeks 3 days and 16 hours after he changed his mind about coming out. I think he could just stop growing and let me enjoy this stage of parenthood a little longer. He’s just soooo much fun now! I know speech impediments, morning cuddles and high pitched giggles are almost gone and I’m just not ready!! So if you see my son, please help me out and remind him not to grow for another 2-3 years. Hey, it takes a village, so don’t let me down village!! Please & Thank You!!!