Well…I’ve gone and done it again. I’ve taken on another project. But don’t worry, you see it’s ALL under the same umbrella: Motherhood. I am now representing Club MomMe in the San Fernando Valley & Pasadena area! Listen, I really didn’t have a choice in the matter! I was already an honorary MomMe. I’ve done events in the past. Rachel Pitzel is my sister from another mister. And the Valley MomMes needed representation. I did it for my hood, SHERMAN OAKS *In my Ice Cube voice*! And I did it for my sorority, The Alpha Delta Gamma Mamas: Los Angeles/San Fernando Chapter.
You know me, I only promote and are apart of things that I really believe in. And I WISH Club MomMe was around when I first had Jaxon. It’s an excellent club and resource. The moms you meet are fantastic! The speakers are spot on! The swag is OUTRAGEOUS! The cool thing is, the founders, Rachel & Lane are in the same boat as us! They are moms and try the products out for themselves before sharing and give their honest opinion. I LOVE that! It’s a club for moms, by moms, with moms!
Anyhow, I have talked about them before and shared some of their events with you. I would love to see all my valley moms at some of the events I have coming up! There are also Club MomMe groups in Chicago, Houston, Denver & coming soon: The OC. Spread the word and if you come out to join us, say hi! Our first event in the valley will be on Wednesday May 15th at 7pm with Dr. Corinn Cross. We will be talking about Taming Your Toddler…and Lord knows most Toddlers need a bit of Taming! I know mine does! Click the invite below to get more info and purchase your tickets. If you have questions or would like to sponsor or add items to the gift bags, hit a MomMe up: brooke@clubmomme.com or on twitter @ClubMomMeLA
How To Find Club MomMe