Some the hardest moments in parenting happens during Winter & Summer break. Especially if you have any type of autoimmune disease that impedes on your mobility & energy and you live in an apartment in the center of the city. Seriously! If I had a backyard, I’d send Jax and the dogs out all day everyday. But we don’t. So, if Jax needs to go out and play, I have to go with him or take him to the park. That isn’t always the easiest thing to do. And, let’s be honest, it gets old! But we cannot spend all of our time in the library, playing X-Box and watching endless seasons of Pokémon. No…seriously…I cannot watch anymore, Pokémon! It’s starting to flare up my non-existent colon! So, what to do? Well here are a few options for home and/or if you live in Los Angeles.
Places To Go:
Here in Los Angeles, The LA Zoo has morphed the old drive by lights in Griffith Park, into a nighttime winter wonderland at the Zoo. It’s AWESOME! We’ve gone three years in a row and it never disappoints. It’s beautiful and magical for the whole family. There is a visit from Santa, real reindeers, live music and light shows. Some of the cafes & Kiosks are open. And a bar. That’s right, mom & dad, a bar. Grab some hot chocolate for the kids, and a little baileys for yourself! I like it mostly because it’s the closest thing to a real winter adventure we have in LA outside of going to Mountain High or Big Bear for skiing & snowboarding. It’s stroller friendly and motorized scooter friendly. Bundle up because it gets SUPER cold in Griffith Park.
Every year, Kidspace Museum brings in some snow and allows our SoCal kids experience a real snow day. They have a toddler section and a big kid section. Bundle up the kids with coats and gloves, because they get down in fresh powder! Yes, it’s totally real! Spend a few minutes making snow balls and then hang out at the Arroyo Adventure & the Galvin Physics Forest. The cafe has organic & allergy friendly food options. There is also a pirate park near by for after your museum adventure…but the kids are still hyped! We love Kidspace Museum, it is a school break staple for our household. Special needs family friendly!
Dude! Can I just tell you, bowling is probably the best idea, EVER! Make it a playdate with a few parents and let the kids bowl. I took Hippo the other night and we both had fun, but I didn’t have to lift a finger. We got him a ball his size, gave him a couple of tips on how to hold it and off he went. Truly an awesome time and money well spent. Budget friendly, couple hours of fun!
AuFudge is a new chic, kid friendly restaurant and play space in West Hollywood, Ca. It’s one of the most hollywood place I’ve ever been in…it’s also the most practical! It’s absolutely amazing! I’m so tired of spending most of my parenthood experience having to sit in loud places, eating bland kid’s food. Like pizza, pizza and more pizza with a side of chicken fingers. AuFudge has those things, but they also have a separate place for the children to play. Adult awesome, yummy food. Full bar and bakery. It’s literally everything I’ve ever wanted in my parenting life. A place I can take Jax where he won’t be bored, but I can eat delicious food while it’s hot. They also have interactive classes, parties perfect for everyone in the family. This place literally caters to EVERYONE in your family. I’ve been with Hippo & my nephew, grandmother, business associates, etc. It’s a piece of parenting heaven settled in West Hollywood. They are a great place to meet up with fellow parents also surrounded by kids on school break.
I cannot tell you how the power of, the playdate, is your best tool to combat the school break mania! Coordinate playdates with the parents of your kid’s friends or with cousins. Take a break from your kids. It’s okay, to take a break from your kids. They may need a break from you too!