I was just about to go bed. I had put on my pajamas and was drinking my last sips of water when I checked Facebook for the last time. It’s World IBD Day, so I was just looking for some more updates from people in the community and some of my…
Tag: Crohn’s
5 Things You Shouldn’t Say To An IBD Patient
The experience of living with a chronic illness doesn’t just effect the patient, but also their parents, spouses, friends, family, caregivers and children. Everyone is trying to figure it all out and wanna help. And for the most part, the patient is grateful for the support. But with the everyday…
CrazyCreoleMommy Lost In Snow & The Adventures of Laura & Brooke
So, hopefully you all read the part 1 of my advocacy trip to D.C. yesterday. The objective of my trip to D.C. was very personal and the outcome was fulfilling. BUT how could I have a trip without a “pulling a Brooke” (As my mom says). First of all, I…
Your Words Carry Weight…Speak!
I’ve always been an outspoken person when it comes to standing up for what’s right. I’m a black female in America, growing up I knew there was a lot to stand for. But, to fight and march and walk…not completely necessary. I was very grateful to those trailblazers during the…
Crazy Creole Lobbying Mommy
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see what I’m doing in Washington D.C. for Crohn’s & Colitis! I’m getting my Mr. Smith on and standing up for Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients on The Hill with the Digestive Disease National Coalition March 2nd-March 3rd. To stay involved in all that’s…