A different type of celebration this past Fourth of July.
Tag: Death

No Postmark, I Lost The Address
Dearest, I’m exhausted, but I’m writing. You’re never going to read this, but I’m writing. Every single year I think of doing this, but I don’t. I think about doing it because I suppose I never healed properly. But I don’t because logically it makes no sense to write a…

Choosing Health Over Grief
I have always been a sensitive person. Empathetic. Emotional. As a young person, a bit over dramatic. Emotions rule the gut. So, naturally having an autoimmune disease centered in the gut, has not been fun. When I was younger, my uncle, my great grandmother and my great aunt all died…

Cycling For A Cure
I was suppose to be in Washington D.C. this week with the CCFA. But the traveling schedule I had during Thanksgiving to get Jax to and from Kansas to be with his grandparents and father, took a serious toll on me. I am suffering from a full on AS flare…
Holidays: Joy & Sorrow
2016 has been a downright year of craziness. I lost my uncle, close family friend, grandmother, another close family friend, ANOTHER close family friend, one of my reader’s son/Ulcerative Colitis patient and then my childhood best friend lost her grandmother. These were all people who have known since before I…
Living To Fight, Fighting To Live
I was just about to go bed. I had put on my pajamas and was drinking my last sips of water when I checked Facebook for the last time. It’s World IBD Day, so I was just looking for some more updates from people in the community and some of my…