The first time someone brought up feeding Hippo solids, it felt like a needle scratching the album. Cereal! Puree! Breastmilk! Allergies! Formula! Ounces! Spoonfuls! AAAAAHHHH!!! Feeding your child from your breast or going along the instructions they give you when you leave the hospital about creating formula bottles, is pretty…
Tag: Motherhood
It’s The Infant Dancey Dance Time!
Well, okay so infants & toddlers can’t really dance, but they can wiggle..jiggle…criggle?? That’s a combination of a crawl and a…nevermind. But because of those dudes Scott Shultz & Christian JacobsĀ (of one of my favorite bands, The Aquabats), you know exactly what I’m talking about when I say dancey dance,…
Hippo Is 4!
My sweet little miracle baby, Hippo, turned 4 on Monday. Four years ago on this day I was taking him home and not sure, really what I was suppose to do. The car ride home was long and a little confusing. I was so afraid to go home, yet I…

My Little Bitter Hippo Cyclops
Captain’s Log 4104.45: It is day 9 of Jaxon’s eye surgery recovery. The initial house arrest has been lifted, but Jaxon is still on restrictive play. so, what does that mean exactly? Well, that he’s bouncing off the walls, talking a million miles a minute, not sleeping and driving me…
Epic Family Movie Night
As a Fox Insider, I get to enjoy great films with Jax for our weekly family movie nights. Tonight we are going to a sneak peek of EPIC on Blue-Ray DVD that releases on August 20th! And as a Fox Insider they have given me a copy to giveaway to…
Chil’ It’s Just Too Hot!
I always feel like summer is the worse time to have an autoimmune disease. I can deal with the arthritis in the winter because it can be healed with anti-inflammatories and pain meds. But the heat brings a whole different kind of element to your daily situation. Especially if you…