A couple of weeks ago the angry bitter cyclops, also known as The Hippo, Jaxosaurus, Jig Master Jax, Jaxxy Boy, Jaxomus, Jiggidy, Jax, Jaxon Lee Coltrane, Coltrane Cutt, and just…Jaxon was staring me down with his good eye daring me to say something to him. You see by this time…
Tag: Pediatric Surgery
Mommy Advice
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My Little Bitter Hippo Cyclops
Captain’s Log 4104.45: It is day 9 of Jaxon’s eye surgery recovery. The initial house arrest has been lifted, but Jaxon is still on restrictive play. so, what does that mean exactly? Well, that he’s bouncing off the walls, talking a million miles a minute, not sleeping and driving me…