Dear Congress, Trying to figure out something for my mom. Since you’ve decided that $8b over the next five years is suitable for high risk pools. When a large state like mine houses me, my son and my youngest brother (all with chronic conditions), and we max out of our…
Tag: Policy
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Foul, on American Healthcare!
Like most of you living with a chronic illness, the dark cloud of the possibility of health insurance being revoked, is hanging over your head as we step into the new year. Grant it, ACA (Affordable Care Act) is not in fact, affordable for a lot of families. Needless to say,…
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The Colon-less Advocate
The first of the month brought another great trip to Washington D.C. for the Digestive Disease National Coalition’s annual Public Policy Forum & Day on the Hill. I have to say that it isn’t the easiest thing for me to just get up and go away for a few days…