So, hopefully you all read the part 1 of my advocacy trip to D.C. yesterday. The objective of my trip to D.C. was very personal and the outcome was fulfilling. BUT how could I have a trip without a “pulling a Brooke” (As my mom says). First of all, I…
Tag: Single Mommy with JPouch
A CrazyCreolePoliticalMommy
Hey Ya’ll!! I’m finally back sitting down! LOL! I came back from D.C. last week, but I was so sick with an arthritis flare and then had some work with Happy Family Brands over the weekend. I want to talk a lot about D.C., what I did and who I…
Crazy Creole Lobbying Mommy
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see what I’m doing in Washington D.C. for Crohn’s & Colitis! I’m getting my Mr. Smith on and standing up for Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients on The Hill with the Digestive Disease National Coalition March 2nd-March 3rd. To stay involved in all that’s…

The Single Mom, The Fake Colon & The Valentine
You haven’t heard from me in a while because it’s just been an interesting two weeks. I take that back, it’s been an interesting few months. We started off the year with Jaxon’s eye surgery. Then we followed that with pouch blockages, a fissure, Jax had an ear infection AND…
To Remove Or Not To Remove…That Is The ?
I’m actually not really sure how to start this post. It’s such a sensitive subject for most IBD patients. The subject of colorectal surgery. And although I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 6 years ago, I have only become really familiar with all the terms and procedures two years ago,…
Museum Love!
Even though for most families, the weekends are a time to do fun things, if you have an autoimmune disease it seems like you spend the entire weekend recuperating from the week or trying to find things that are easy and cheap to do with the kids. Yes, I know…