The other night I was putting my son to bed and I took his little lamb, Lamby Lamb, and had him do a short song and dance for Jaxon. Nothing major, just a little stuffed animal floppy jig and little tune to go with it. I think it went, I am Lamby Lamb Lamb Lamb, oh yes I am, just a Lamby Lamb Lamb. Jax chimed in and did a little jig and sang along…and then it went dark. Suddenly Jax rubs his belly and sings, “Lamby Lamb Lamb is yummy like Hammy Ham Ham. Yummy Yum little piggy piggy hammy ham!”
Whoa! Whoa!…So I’m guessing my idea of maybe getting a cute little pot-bellied pig in the future has now gone out the window! That sweet little piggy piggy could end up a midnight snack!