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Tag: baby

Arthritis vs. Disneyland
This past weekend, Hippo was off for 4 days. If your child is a LAUSD student, then you understand my pain. LOL! What can you do on a Friday with a high energy five year old where you can both have fun? You go to Disneyland! YUP! We sure did!…
Happy Birthday, Hippo!
Dearest Hippo, Today is our fifth anniversary. Around this time five years ago I was doing a lot of breathing in my hospital bed, surrounded by your grandparents & daddy and wondering what you were gonna look like. This little adventure we’ve been on has been a trip. Everyday you…

Dinner Party at The Zimmer Children’s Museum
Come Join Me TOMORROW 10/15/2014 9am Zimmer Children’s Museum for A Dinner Party
Tricky Business of Feeding The Baby
The first time someone brought up feeding Hippo solids, it felt like a needle scratching the album. Cereal! Puree! Breastmilk! Allergies! Formula! Ounces! Spoonfuls! AAAAAHHHH!!! Feeding your child from your breast or going along the instructions they give you when you leave the hospital about creating formula bottles, is pretty…
Giveaway Alert!!
This saturday Club MomMe Spring Fest in Huntington Beach! With Jenni Pulos performing a rap concert for the kids, Dr. Harvey Karp speaking and Happy Family providing snacks, It’s going to be a good time for the family in beautiful Huntington Beach. Come enjoy the day with Club MomMe! The…