Let’s face it. I’m an easy, cushioned target for nasty looks, weird questions and misguided innuendo. I’m a single mother of color living in a upper middle class neighborhood, with a chronic illness & disability who works from home & coaches little league. And although we have settled into the 21st…
Tag: Coach
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The Return of Coach Mommy
“I had four kids and a business. I was a single mom. It was easier to have my kids participate in sports that were affiliated with school. I just didn’t have the time.” ~My mom. I watched my mom work hard as a single mom and because of her particular…
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Soccer Balls, Shin Guards & Cleats…OH MY!
Today is the first day of practice for the Purple Dragons. Tomorrow…first game. I’m not a complete wreck because I do have a great assistant coach that actually played and knows the game better than I do. I’m excited, actually. The kids are pumped and I think it’s gonna be…