I love organic food, fabrics and products. I believe that being as natural as possible is needed. But at the end of the day, sometimes I like an In and Out burger. In and Out Burger is NOT organic. I love Etsy. Every year when Jaxon’s birthday rolls around, I…
Tag: Disneyland
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Arthritis vs. Disneyland
This past weekend, Hippo was off for 4 days. If your child is a LAUSD student, then you understand my pain. LOL! What can you do on a Friday with a high energy five year old where you can both have fun? You go to Disneyland! YUP! We sure did!…
Attacking the Land of the Mouse
Last week me, Hippo and my family took on the adventure of Disneyland! I have to say that seeing this place through the eyes of a child versus how you remember it from being a child is so different! It’s waaay better! I’ve never seen my son’s eyes sparkle more…