Last week I took mini Senator to be, Hippo Honeycutt to Washington D.C. That’s right, Hippo went home! LOL! I mean, the way he ran down the jet way once we landed in D.C., you would think he was heading to his grandma’s house full of biscuits! I don’t think…
Tag: Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Surviving SoCal’s Version of Fall
Apparently it’s Fall. But I am afraid Los Angeles has yet to receive the memo. You see even though we pass by the Gap store fronts with it’s beautiful Fall collection and we drink our pumpkin spice lattes and we watch the wind blow across the football fields, we are…
Gray Clouds Covering The Blue Skies
I never really know how to appropriately start posts on topics like this one. The topic of Depression. I’ve touched on it lightly in the past and you may have read or heard me talk about it in various interviews, but I’ve never really put it out there. I think…
Living To Fight, Fighting To Live
I was just about to go bed. I had put on my pajamas and was drinking my last sips of water when I checked Facebook for the last time. It’s World IBD Day, so I was just looking for some more updates from people in the community and some of my…

The Single Mom, The Fake Colon & The Valentine
You haven’t heard from me in a while because it’s just been an interesting two weeks. I take that back, it’s been an interesting few months. We started off the year with Jaxon’s eye surgery. Then we followed that with pouch blockages, a fissure, Jax had an ear infection AND…