Today’s post is in partnership with Vaseline® is all about a mom’s favorite subject, dry skin! Doesn’t it seem like as a boy mom, you are constantly screaming about hygiene ?! I thought it started at 13, but I was wrong. I feel like I’m constantly asking Hippo to brush…
Tag: love

The Mean Green Mom
6 years ago today, I remember standing in my shower in a fit of tears. I was about a year and half into motherhood. I was three years into IBD life post diagnosis. I was two months into life in Texas. I was flaring and I stood holding a fistful…

Foul, on American Healthcare!
Like most of you living with a chronic illness, the dark cloud of the possibility of health insurance being revoked, is hanging over your head as we step into the new year. Grant it, ACA (Affordable Care Act) is not in fact, affordable for a lot of families. Needless to say,…

Empowerment begins with Congress!
Such a weird title, right? What does your level of empowerment have to do with Congress? Well, after last week’s election most of us were left feeling befuddled, bewildered and blind sighted. Wasn’t so much about the politics. Politicians win and lose all the time and we move on. But…

With Thanksgiving coming up, we usually try and take this time to reflect on all the amazing things in our life. But recently I’ve been thinking and thinking and thinking some more. It wasn’t necessarily sparked by the season of giving, I’ve just been inside of my head. Thinking. Mostly…

Bones, Scans & Babies…Oh My!
Please note that although this post is sponsored by, Hologic, Inc., all opinions & stories are personal to me and are my own. I was paid to write about this brand by choice because I felt the information was relevant to my journey with my autoimmune diseases. And I hope…