Felicia LaTour has a great little make up diddy for date night mommy make over! Book that babysitter now and pull out your spanx! When the kids are with the baby sitter and you have time to focus on yourself, why not take a little extra time with your makeup…
Tag: single woman
Fitness Club for Mommies & Daddies
Unless you have a fulltime nanny or older children that act as in-house babysitters, finding time to work out as a parent is super super hard! Working or Stay at Home parent…it’s just too hard to find the time or a babysitter while you spend an hour and half at…
A New Post Partum You!
Today I thought I would share some of my favorite products that I use on my skin and hair. A lot of folks worry about their post partum body and look. I know I did. Especially moms with Autoimmune Diseases such as colitis/crohn’s that don’t allow you to work out…
Dear Supreme Court, I Hope You’re Listening…
Dear Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsburg, Breyer, Roberts, Alito, Sotomayor & Kagan, I hope this letter finds you all in good health and well. I am writing to you because I know you have a great decision before you regarding Healthcare Reform, or as it’s more commonly known, Obamacare. I…
Celebrate The Day the New Orleans Way!
Find a babysitter and grab your honey and some friends and head to Hollywood!! Today at our favorite spot, FiveOFour Hollywood, A crawfish boil is going down!! Crawfish, Red Potatoes, Corn, Abita Beer…you need to be there!!! This is how we do in New Orleans and in LA! NO-LA for…
Fun Healthy Snack Short Cuts
Even as a stay at home mom there are days when I can’t sit and peel the skin off of grapes or make homemade applesauce whether it’s from unexpected schedule changes or health reasons. But I always felt that just because mommy is a little down for the count doesn’t…