Well apparently I have. Last year my grandmother bought Jax a pirate costume for Halloween. As soon as I tried it on him and painted on his curly Pirate mustache, he became a “Pi-ray” (as he called it then). He wouldn’t take the costume off. In fact, for several weeks…
Tag: stay at home dad

On The Eve of The First Day of School
Last week I found a great school for my hooligan! Yes, after all my searching and heartache, a blessing fell right into my lap. A blessing that is not to far from home, yet I never knew was there. But they have everything I was looking for, for a price…
Terrible Two’s Are Truly A Nightmare
For a while now I have been knee-deep in the muddy trenches of toddler tantrums, independence, defiance and tears, also known as, The Terrible Two’s! There was a time when the sound of my voice meant something to my son, but now it means absolute crap! LOL! Oh and I…
Indoor Playgrounds Open TODAY in Los Angeles
Morning! So I heard it’s suppose to get up to 95 degrees in the valley, so it’s gonna be at least 80 something in Los Angeles. Too hot to play in the park today, so here are a few indoor playgrounds/activities you will find open today all over the city:…