This saturday Club MomMe Spring Fest in Huntington Beach! With Jenni Pulos performing a rap concert for the kids, Dr. Harvey Karp speaking and Happy Family providing snacks, It’s going to be a good time for the family in beautiful Huntington Beach. Come enjoy the day with Club MomMe! The…
Tag: Crazy Creole Mommy Fav
I love it when things from your childhood come back to visit you in parenthood, forming another bridge between you and your child to grow up upon with one another. Things like movies, cartoons or toys from your generation can stand the test of time and bring joy to families…

Happy New Year!
And so the end of the year has arrived and we are all taking a moment to look back and say, “What tha?! Where did the time go?” ! LOL! At least I know I am. Some years it seems to go by fast, and then there are those years…
It’s The Infant Dancey Dance Time!
Well, okay so infants & toddlers can’t really dance, but they can wiggle..jiggle…criggle?? That’s a combination of a crawl and a…nevermind. But because of those dudes Scott Shultz & Christian Jacobs (of one of my favorite bands, The Aquabats), you know exactly what I’m talking about when I say dancey dance,…
Super Back To School Sale ~Local Event
My friend & Mom-trepneur Shannon Komsky owns this super cute store called, Tough Cookies in Sherman Oaks. I mean super cute!! They have these amazing cute cardigans that are made out of fabric screened from old classic album covers and t-shirts with awesome unique sayings. Just really modern, stylish clothes…
Ah Sey One One Love Lounge
When people learn about my childhood and my parents involvement in the entertainment business, they expect a Lindsay Lohan-esque horror story. I can totally see what they’re imagining too. There’s one of those super 8 flicker in an orange hazy color images. Starring roaming the canyons with other hooligan hollywood…