Coach. That is my new name. Coach. Can you believe it? The girl who only got to pick up a ball when her older brothers let her play, now goes by the name, Coach. The only NFL I’ve ever been apart of is the, National Forensics League! Don’t laugh, I…
Tag: love
Special Needs Family
I have a love/hate relationship with labels. Like, labels/names you place on people or situations, lifestyles, etc. Labels. Sometimes I love them because they bring awareness, they get people talking and asking questions. But sometimes they are used incorrectly, or lead to embarrassment and shame. Sometimes labels carry a stigma…
Julian & Jax
I’m not sure if you heard the news yet about the passing of Julian Bond. As someone who loved history and who had grandparents, aunts & uncles that were active members of the NAACP, I grew admiring people like Julian Bond, Andrew Young and John Lewis. During my recent frequent…
He Came…He Saw…He Hiccuped!
Last week I took mini Senator to be, Hippo Honeycutt to Washington D.C. That’s right, Hippo went home! LOL! I mean, the way he ran down the jet way once we landed in D.C., you would think he was heading to his grandma’s house full of biscuits! I don’t think…
Up, Up and Away
Well here we are, sitting in the airport waiting to board the plane. Hippo has been so excited he has been singing, humming, talking, hopping, non-stop today. Which means one thing…he’ll be fast asleep before we taxi out! LOL! How am I doing? Not so great. BUT the excitement on…