“MOM!!!!!!” I don’t even think my eyes are completely unglued as I stumble, hop and fall into my son’s bedside, ripping his covers off to see if he’s harmed from the appendage severing he clearly has had from the sound of terror in his voice. But I find no severed…
Tag: Mommy
Facetime, The Toddler and his Hero!
Dear Steve Jobs, My son doesn’t know who you are yet because he is only two. But you are his most favorite person in the world next to his Mommy, Daddy, his stuffed Monkey & Brobee! Why? How? How could you be on my two year olds list of favortist…
Happy 2012 for the hip single mommy
Haha! Made you look! You probably thought I was hip for a second there! HA! I’ve had a couple of 13 year olds remind me that I am no such thing! Apparently I was kinda cool to be seen with before I became a mom, but now….I’m just as uncool…
Picky Toddler
Okay so everyone wants to know, why the nickname Hippo? Well, when my son was only a few hours old, the nurse, myself and Steven were all surrounding him prepping him to latch on for the first time. After having a C-Section and hearing all the scary stories about how…
And So It Begins…….
So here we are! But what exactly are we doing here? That my friends is a very good question! I already have a blog BrooklynBites that I have had for quite sometime and it’s pretty much all over the place, and I love it! So why The Crazy Creole Mommy…