Ahh, yes! Halloween! Hippo’s favorite holiday!…well, one of his favorite holidays….actually every holiday is Hippo’s favorite holiday because creole people love to celebrate everything with food! And since I’ve spent the last 14 years having a love/hate relationship with food, holidays are touch n’ go.
It seems my anxiety is always extremely high around holiday time and that’s because I stress about stressing! LOL! Make sense? For example, I will stress about being too stressed out and tired to attend and disappointing, the Hippo and everyone else involved. My big sister always says, “You’re sick. Worry about you. Stop worrying about selfish healthy people & their ignorance.” I try really hard to take that in, but it’s tough for me. Then I get to the party or event and I’m scoping out the bathroom and a chair to sit in. I’m worried about the food, and trying to pick around it without seeming rude or picky. Because as a rule I’m not
picky in taste…but my intestines are picky brats sometimes and I have to listen to them. They rule my life for the most part. But events like Halloween, really stress me out because there are lots of crudité, alcohol, popcorn and candy with nuts. And then there is the walking up and down the street, trick o’ treating! On the morning of November 1st, I’m curled up in a fetal position lathered in Topricin, covered in heat packs, sipping gatorade & ginger tea with dried tear stains on my face.
What is the solution to the post Halloween physical apocalypse? I’ve got a few tips:
Bring Snacks:
Don’t over think or stress about what might or might not be available to eat at the party. Bring substitutes! And not just a personal pack, bring a large pack for everyone, even if you are the only one eating them, you won’t feel so isolated. To replace chocolate nut bars, I bring Gummies! In lieu of popcorn, I’ll bring Pirate’s Booty & Happy Family Puffs . I can’t drink hard liquor that much anymore, but red or white wine works out great, so I will bring a bottle or two of that as well.
Dress Comfortably:
Modify your costume. You don’t have to go full out if you don’t want to. Wear something not so constrictive, but festive.
Trick O’ Treat In A Group:
Get a group of friends together that you feel comfortable your kid being around and then offer to stay behind to pass out candy, while they roam the neighborhood. Or let the kids do every single house, with a different parent each time. All the parents don’t have to walk up every single drive way. One parent per group is sufficient. Less walking time.
Hydrate TODAY:
Start drinking tons of water today, the 30th, to hydrate yourself for tomorrow!
Prep Your Joints:
Take an epsom salt & lavender bath tonight. Rub down with your favorite topical today and tomorrow and wear comfortable tennis shoes. No flip flops! LOL!
Most of all, just enjoy! Whatever happens, happens! The kids are gonna have fun regardless!
Happy Halloween!
Mommy Leia & Hippo Yoda