It’s been a while since I’ve made a journal entry. Well, I haven’t been feeling well. By not feeling well I mean, I started a new medication and it’s kicked me in the butt. Some people aren’t aware of this, but cancer patients aren’t the only patients taking forms of…
Tag: Soccer

The Close of the First Week
So, it’s the end of the first full week of coaching. Well , really two weeks I suppose because our team meeting was last week. But the most important thing is the kids and I made it through unscathed and victorious! I might have bathed in Topricin last night, but…

Soccer Balls, Shin Guards & Cleats…OH MY!
Today is the first day of practice for the Purple Dragons. Tomorrow…first game. I’m not a complete wreck because I do have a great assistant coach that actually played and knows the game better than I do. I’m excited, actually. The kids are pumped and I think it’s gonna be…

Surviving SoCal’s Version of Fall
Apparently it’s Fall. But I am afraid Los Angeles has yet to receive the memo. You see even though we pass by the Gap store fronts with it’s beautiful Fall collection and we drink our pumpkin spice lattes and we watch the wind blow across the football fields, we are…

My Little Super Soccer Star!
Jaxon has one of those fall birthdays that always seems to be right on the cusp of letting him into athletic, camp & school programs. They don’t care about his size or his abilities, he’s simply not old enough. Well, Jax loves soccer, basketball and football. Unfortunately, for Jaxon he…
Great SF Family Events
Because I absolutely love San Francisco and hope to one day move back and raise my hooligan there, I am going to post some great upcoming events for families! This event is geared toward kids 10 years and under and is a large fundraiser for Help A Mother Out. Help…